Future Proof CSS Styles

How To Future-Proof CSS Styles for Easier Development

The future of web development is much sooner than many realize. Since the beginning of the 21st Century, digital technologies and capabilities have compounded exponentially. It’s hard to believe that only a decade ago, the majority of smartphones weren’t very smart. Blackberry still ruled the scene and touchscreen technology was still in its infancy. Now,…

Website Speed Optimization Techniques

Website Speed Optimization Techniques

What’s the most important contributing factor for online success? Quality, useful content? Dynamic visual guides? No-nonsense product and/or service offerings? If you chose any of the aformentioned, you’re only half-right. While each of these elements work together to bolster website value, without optimized speed the quality of your content or visual design is moot. Not…

Is my website slow or not?

Is My Website Slow or Not?

As a website owner, trying to pay attention to the various components responsible for ultimately creating an engaging, high-ranking and profitable site can feel like trying to cross the Atlantic in a paddleboat. To put it plainly, website management is hard work. Even though there are dozens, if not hundreds, of individual elements that must…

Plugins slowing site

Why Plugins May Be Slowing Your Website?

While the topic of plugins and website performance are primarily related to those who operate a WordPress website, this conversation is worth having for anyone looking to boost their overall website performance. Although you may not experience the potential speed degradation of WordPress plugins if you’re operating a different framework, the fundamental principle of this…

Tips for Clean CSS code

Top Tips for Writing Cleaner CSS Code

Do you think optimization only refers to images and overall page layout? One of the most commonly misunderstood elements of website development is how the actual layout of CSS code files impacts overall website performance. Considering the importance of performance and page loading for modern SEO and user-engagement, the foundation of optimized websites is based…

GZIP your website

Why Should You GZIP Your Website?

For years, content was labeled king of website optimization. As we moved deeper into the 21st Century, there was a significant shift. While content remains king of our digital realm, the queen is none other than performance. While website performance and reliability has always been a consideration for Google and visitors, the requirement for optimum…

Speed up WordPress backend

How To Speed Up the WordPress Backend

When you think of a slow WordPress site, it’s common to automatically image dreadfully long page load times. While the majority of effort and concentration is focused on boosting on-page response times, frontend performance isn’t the only area of your WordPress site capable of moving at the speed of sloth. Slow WordPress admin areas, also…