Lower My Ping in Gaming

How do I lower my ping in gaming?

Below are Seven Ways for Gamers to Lower Their Ping When gaming online, your “ping” refers to the time it takes for any input from your mouse, keyboard, or controller to register with the server that is hosting your game. Ping rate is measured in milliseconds and anything below or around 20ms is ideal, however,…

Common DNS Security Issues

Most Common DNS Security Issues

Understanding the security weaknesses of every component within your digital infrastructure is paramount for true protection. While you may find yourself focusing more on the actual website and server security, one of the biggest threats to the health and performance of your digital platform is also the least discussed. DNS, which stands for Domain Name…

VPS Hosting for Web Speed

Virtual Private Server Hosting for Dynamic Website Speed

Whether you’re running a blog, retail storefront or a corporate portal, website speed and performance is among the most important elements of success. In fact, Google announced its plan to increase the ranking weight of page speed in its July 2018 algorithm update. Because website speed and overall functionality is among the most important components…

Website Speed with CDN

Sluggish Website? Transform Speed With CDN

In the ever-present quest to achieve maximum website speed and performance, perhaps the most capable tool in this arsenal is also among the least discussed. While there are literally hundreds of on-page optimization tips, perhaps the reason for your sluggish web performance is a deeper issue. For countless websites, the root of their performance issues…